The Life of Dr.Takashi Nagai and His Meeting with Nagasaki



1. The Birth and Childhood of Dr.Takashi Nagai

2.The Achievements of Dr.Takashi Nagai

3.Nyoko-do and Nagai Memorial Museum

4.11th Medical Corps Mitsuyama Relief Station

5.Publications of Dr.Takashi Nagai

6.Chronology of the Life of Dr.Takashi Nagai

7.Dr.Takashi Nagai the Author

    Statue of Dr.Takashi Nagai   

Dr.Nagai stayed in mourning for six months after exposure to the atomic bombing,seeking "peace" and "restoration" in "prayer".

The Achievements of Dr.Takashi Nagai

Dr.Takashi Nagai,an assistant professor at the Nagasaki Medical College,was exposed to the atomic bomb explosion in the college hospital.
In spite of his own serious injury,he immediately began selfless efforts to assist the victims and to launch studies concerning atomic bomb disease.
His efforts later shifted from medical concerns to the restoration of the city and culture of Nagasaki and to the realization of world peace.
Dr.Nagai had been suffering from leukemia from before the atomic bombing,but even when his condition deteriorated he continued his research and writing from his sicked.
He died six years after the atomic bombing,but his achievements tell of his great aspiration for peace.

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