Nagasaki Peace Monument the Mothers and Children

          (The erect date:1th August 1987)

The Women at home prayed for victory as their men departed for the battlefields.But then the blood of countless peoples was shed on the vast continents and the far away islands.
Finally,in 1945 as the war escalated,it brought the tragedies of the Okinawa islands followed by the inhuman atomic bomb attacks over Hirosima on the 6th and Nagasaki on the 9th of August.
Ah!On that unforgettable day,in an instaptaneous blast of indescribable heat,the bodies of tens of thousands of men and women,mathers and children were hideously torn and burnt to death.
After more than forty years,the agony continues even yet.Danger signs of a second nuclear war permeate our very existepce.The earth stands at the brink of total ablivion.
We must not allow any more war!Nor the use of atomic weapons!Let us guard our precious green earth and preserve all life of every kind.
We erect this relief,still hearing the bursting cries on that day of each of those women long silenced in death.Bringing together all the turmoil from the depths of their tortured hearts and minds,we pledge ourselves never to repeat that disaster.

The Assembly to Build the Nagasaki Peace
Monument the Mothers and Children